Tuesday 27 September 2011

Providing a beat to help you sleep.

Today we all met up in our tutor group to rebrand the product pillow talk. pillow talk is the product we learned about last week that lets couples listen in to each others heartbeats through a speaker you put in your pillow. the company as of now doesn't have any specific brand. Its still at its development stage and I get the feeling that the creator needs to decide on her target market. We discussed the product and decided that the target market would probably be a professional couple who are earning between 25-35k a year. They would obviously be working away from home and have the money to spend on such products. We call these people innovators because they're keen to be introduced to new things. To decide the kind of market we wanted to advertise to we looked at the rational reasons for buying the product and the irrational reasons. Rationally the product should provide comfort to a couple. The product is functional in that it brings couples closer. The product could be seen as an irrational buy because it gives the impression of needing a product because its the 'in' thing. It may be seen as something you might only use once aswell.

we went on to discuss what the consumer would appreciate in advertisement. we ended up doing wee sketchy things on paper that made us think about pillow talk; like a sort of illustrative brainstorm. After looking at some of the girls doodles we realised that they would be ideal for an advert. They were playful spontaneous and dare i say it cute to look at; all words i'd associate with pillow talk. We decided on a final solution for the assignment

Thursday 15 September 2011

Advertising and Marketing: Module One

Today was the first module of the new semester. We met up in our groups for the first assignment and collaborated with another group to make teams of eight. Our first task was to create a development objective for companies or institutes in our surrounding area. We were given the Victoria and Albert museum to investigate. The V&A have plans to build a new museum on the water front of dundee to expand on there existing museums around the country. Our strategy led us to make a plan on how to provide dundee residents with information on the new build and an insight into the positives the museum will bring to the city and its surrounding areas. We discussed the effects on the local economy; the boost on tourism and hospitality and pitched it to our class to conclude our findings for the module.

In the afternoon we were given a second project to look into. A woman, who was a graduate from dundee university, came in to the class to pitch a product to us that was in its prototype stages. Jo had created a product that allowed couples to interact through the sound of their heartbeats if they lived away from each other or where in a long distance relationship. the product consisted of two sets of speakers the users placed in there pillows at night and two rings that went on the fingers of the users. They could then hear each others heartbeats as they slept at night. I thought this product was lovely. It is a simple concept that has the ability to do so well in a large market. So for the second part of the day we were asked to create another objective to name some of the flaws to this company and how the company could improve. We suggested that the product should be improved in pice and aesthetic appeal. The product was in early stages and quite clinical looking.

Overall, today i felt working in a team very refreshing and useful; especially when trying to address problems like these ones where everyones point addresses the bigger picture.