Monday 21 February 2011

Assignment 2: What images mean.

                                                                                                              Assignment two asked of me to understand what images meant to me, how an image can make you feel and how images are used for advertising. I took part C of the assignment; pick random advertisements, erase the company brand and leave the image solely for people to tell me what they thought of the image on its own. I looked over the internet to find examples of good advert design. I found some very successful ones; the kind of adverts that hardly need the brand logo to be identified and some not so successful ones. The ones I have picked though made me laugh a little though which i suppose is good when your trying to sell a product.

This image was the first thing to catch my eye. Its actually an advert for frozen chips. When I asked people what they thought they said childhood, what it was like to always be in a huff, visiting the the grandparents. I think the moral of the story is probably something to do with the kids having to eat brussel sprouts rather than chips. The image looks very homely. I'd imagine it has been set in older times because food wasn't as fancy back then or their was a shortage of it.

The next Image i chose was very interesting. The image is very graphic. It may depict toy soldiers but still shows a very real scenario. I asked a group of people again what they thought of this image. People conjured up ideas of colour, race, war, power and toys. I found the word toys to be strange because this would be a very weird way to sell toy soldiers to children. The image was actually for Amnesty International and is meant to show militia about to execute a hostage.

The last image I used shows a wee plastic guy who has lost a plastic leg after falling off his plastic skateboard. people said this remind them of child hood and always breaking they're toys. Some people said it reminded them of pain or the feeling of trying to achieve something your never going to get. Some people said wrestling. This one was the simplest image of them all and probably the funniest. The image was actually used in an advert For Locktite adhesive...

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