Sunday 11 December 2011

The Final Presentation

1. Feel Good is a company that was created in 2002. Three people who were originally  working for coca cola left the company and started up business on their own. Their idea was to create healthy drinks that tasted good. This brands image is fun, fruity and healthy and boasts their attitude of ‘no added sugar’. 

Nine years on and the company is successfully selling one Feel Good drink every two seconds. But with the aim to be selling more, two briefs have been created to work on Feel Good advertising. 

2. So to discover what the strategic issues are we worked on a few market research tools to pin point what needs tackled. We created a Perception map to view where the product stood on the market and work out why it wasn’t where Feel Good wants. This is where we found Feel Good to sit on the map (point to powerpoint) and this is where we want to reposition it...

3.This showed us that the problem lies in awareness and availablitity. The product is not sold in many shops and customers don’t know where to go to purchase it. We'd like the product to still be the same but literally just move it along the awareness line.  

4. To learn more about the target market we handed out questionnaires to see how the public felt about the product and to see who our ideal buyers would be. After this we made up three profile personas to narrow down who we wanted this campaign to target. So with this research done and after reading the briefs we decided to combine brief one and two. To create a campaign that raised awareness and also informed the customer that these Feel Good drinks contain no added sugar. 

5. Our solution is based around a Feel Good App. We decided to take different approach to the previous advertising as we felt it was not working. A change from tv adverts and wanting to keep up to date with recent technology we created a smart phone app. This app is made up of addictive games that would get people talking, spreading the word and playing. Part of this app is that once levels on the game are completed, you can claim rewards and discounts for Feel Good Drinks.

6. The campaigns process. Our campaign would kick off with a series of leaflets being handed out that advertised our app but also has a sample of juice inside. (HAND OUT JUICES) The sample would be similar to what you are trying now. Feel Good juices are tasty and healthy but not well known. These samples would be enough to let the public try the product and love it. The samples would be handed out in shopping malls, student unions and supermarkets. This would make the public want to know more about Feel Good drinks and find out where to purchase. 

7. Along with the leaflets we have made up a series of business cards. (HAND OUT CARDS) Little cards that are in the shape of the 400ml bottles advertising the brand image and what the bottles look like. The main point of these little cards is to advertise and interest people in the app. On the back will have a QR code which can be scanned on a smart phone to receive a 20p discount of the app which will be retailing at 79p. This will encourage people to buy the app which in return will have people buying more bottles of Feel Good when they complete the gaming levels and receive their offer. 

8. The App is made up of three parts, two are games and one interactive activity. The first one shown here is our interactive activity called Fruit Shake. This allows you to pick all your favourite fruits, pull them into the Feel Good bottle, shake and then the bottle will reveal the Feel Good flavour suited to you. Then through a GPS function will tell you where the nearest retailer of the juice is So no more wondering the streets looking for your favourite juice. 

9. This is the first game (Fruit fall) designed taking inspiration from older classic online games creating a nostalgic feeling. The idea is to control the bottle at the bottom of the screen sliding from left to right and to try and catch the falling fruit. Not only will fruit be falling out of the sky but so will evil sugar cubes which must be avoided. If a sugar cube lands in the bottle, your bottle will spill all over the screen and you will need to start again. This is to highlight that Feel Good drinks have no added sugar and to show that they are only packed full of fruit. 

10. The second game (Fruit Smash) is similar to popular games such as angry birds. You will be given four fruits of your choice to ping into walls of sugar cubes. Again highlighting sugar in a bad way. The fruits will smash into the sugar which will knock the walls down and will complete the level when all sugar is gone.

11. To receive the awards you need to collect 'apples'. Apples are awarded when levels are completed on the two games. In fruit fall for every bottle filled correctly 2 apples will be awarded and saved in your cyber basket. In Fruit Smash apples will be awarded depending on how many fruits it takes for you to knock down the sugar wall. Once 30 apples are collected in your basket you will receive a QR code to be scanned at tills to redeem 50p off 400ml bottles. 

12. This campaign will gain the awareness needed to raise Feel Good's sales. The sample leaflets and business cards will let people taste the goodness themselves and the business cards encourage app buyers. The App will be able to travel virally causing talk and encouragement of playing games to receive benefits. We believe this is what it will take to make Feel Good sales rise dramatically. 

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